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I really love alliteration. And ridiculously long titles.
There’s still no news from You Will Find Your Way this week, because I’m knee deep in getting submission materials together for the #WhoIsTalyaNightingale manuscript, so here are some of my favorite prompts from my Writing Prompts board on Pinterest, the one where I collect pins from the far reaches of the website to provide MORE inspiration.
Because you can never have too much.
“No, precious human, you are not the last,” he said in a soft, compassionate tone. “You are the first.”
For this prompt and more like it, click HERE
“Well, that certainly gives a whole new meaning to CAPTIVE AUDIENCE.”
For this prompt and more like it, click HERE
Different doesn’t mean wrong.
For this prompt and more like it, click HERE
As one, the blinked in confusion, then, together, they said, ‘Well, shit.’
For this prompt and more like it, click HERE
It’s too early in the day for killing princes.
For this prompt and more like it, click HERE
Click the Continue Reading button for 5 more prompts.
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125 years ago, an ancestor of yours traded the next male in his bloodline’s soul to Lucifer for untold power.
A son is yet to be born, and Lucifer is sick of waiting and wants your infant daughter.
For this prompt and more like it, click HERE
The phone rings.
You look at the caller ID and recognize the number of your childhood home.
You pick up the phone and recognize the voice.
It’s you when you were a kid.
For this prompt and more like it, click HERE
“Have you ever loved someone so much you actually ached? It sucks. Especially when it’s someone you used to hate.”
“I said ‘used to’, didn’t I?!”
For this prompt and more like it, click HERE
In my free time, I sank ships.
For this prompt and more like it, click HERE
“To whoever finds this message, they erased us. this is all that remains, remember us, please”
For this prompt and more like it, click HERE
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