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Creativity is intelligence having fun.” - Albert Einstein

Okay, so this isn’t exactly WRITING specific, but it’s not NOT writing specific. If you’re not having fun, there’s a good chance you’re not going to put out your best work. Unless you do well doing something you don’t want to do out of spite, but that’s not my point. If you’re not having fun writing a story, then there’s probably something in it that you need to address, likely an issue that you need to rectify.

Sure, there’s always that desire to get things done, push through until you’ve reached the end, but if you’re not having fun, that story isn’t going to have a very good ending. Take your time, go back, and figure out the problem.

As Jessica Chastain says in The Martian, “Work the problem.”

Look at the #WhoIsTalyaNightingale novel. It’s far from the first story I’ve ever started, but it IS one of the few I’ve finished. I sunk more than two years into writing and developing the story and the universe it lives in because it’s FUN to do it. I’m SO excited to see where this story and series is going to take me.

So like I’ve said, you have to do something that you enjoy, write the story that you WANT to write, not the one you feel you HAVE to write.

Here’s to a productive week of writing. Don’t forget to sign up for the #MondayMotivation Newsletter by clicking HEREThe next newsletter is slated to land in your inbox tonight!

*#MondayMotivation quote found on my Pinterest Board: Inspirational Quotes About Writing

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