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It’s an Announcement!

A NaNonouncement, if you will.*

Instead of this morning’s usual Pinterest Picks post (fear not, those posts shall return in December), I’m taking today to announce that I am committing myself to the 30-day NaNoWriMo writing challenge. It is entirely possible that I am committing myself to a month of insanity as well, but that is neither here nor there, and is probably going to happen either way, seeing that this is NOVEMBER we’re talking about, and November means HOLIDAYS.

It’s fine. I’ve done it once, so I can do it again.

But this time, I’m basically starting from scratch (okay, scratch and some random bits of dialogue). So, that adds a new wrinkle to this year’s challenge.

What am I writing, you may ask?

Well, if you’ve signed up for my #MondayMotivation Newsletter (if you haven’t you can do that HERE. The next newsletter comes out on November 6) or follow me on Twitter, you already know that I’m dabbling in a Groundhog Day meets Rogue One: A Star Wars Story type plot that I am tentatively calling #GroundhogOne. Very creative, I know. I’m great at hashtags, y’all.

What is #GroundhogOne about? Well, the short of it is an impossible prison break. The long of it is a lot more complicated and full of both spoilers and plot bits I haven’t thought of yet. What I do know is that it features Glory, she’s the one trapped in a time loop, her partner Rex (who was named something else until about 20 minutes before I wrote the first draft of this announcement, because #writing), a pair of married cyborg assassins named Echo and Meera, and a robot spider designated CZ (for anyone following me on Twitter who were wondering what possessed me to do research on spiders, this is why).

Why am I NaNo-ing?

Well, it’s for accountability reasons. If other people know that I’m doing something, I’m more likely to get it done. Same thing went for when I NaNo’d in 2015 (I assume. November 2015 was a ridiculously busy month for me and a lot of things happened, so I don’t remember much of it). Also, I know that if I say: I’m going to spend an hour a day on writing and have a REASON to do that thing, it’s more likely to happen. It’s not going to be easy, I may not get to 1,667 words every day, but the point is that I used to write every day, and I don’t do that anymore, and I don’t like that.

Because here’s the thing, I need to get back into writing on a daily basis.

In fact, that I am still in the process of finding an agent to represent the #WhoIsTalyaNightingale novel (which wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for NaNoWriMo 2015) makes it even MORE important that I keep writing. And also, I REALLY like the story I’ve come up with an I want to put the words to paper. There isn’t anything actually STOPPING me from writing it (I first got the inspiration for this story all the way back in JUNE), so I need something that’ll get me to START.

And I’ve decided that that thing is going to be NaNoWriMo.

Wondering what NaNoWriMo is all about and how to survive it? Well there is a glut of information available on, and I will also be posting a NaNo-Countdown series of Writing Tips posts starting tomorrow and ending on Wednesday, November 1, with a special announcement.

Want to be my Writing Buddy (NaNoWRiMo says that writers have a higher likelihood of winning NaNoWrMo with one)? I’m KathrynR47. I’ll be checking in on an as-daily-as-I-can-basis, offering advice and encouragement. Want to keep up on my progress while not diving all the way in? Well I will be sharing snippets of scenes and ranting about my writing adventures on Twitter, and I plan to revive last year’s What I Wrote Today posts each Thursday to keep you all apprised of how things are (or are not, which does unfortunately happen) progressing.

Wish me luck!

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